Gold As Part Of Your Investments
Psalm 19, nine and ten. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The rules of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold. You know, if you turn on the radio or the tv today, especially christian radio, you’re not going to go long without hearing references to gold, especially how to buy it or why you should buy it. You know, the scripture makes it clear gold is valuable. Up until present times, gold and silver were the currencies of the world, and most civilizations use them. Even the streets of heaven are reported to be paved with gold. We hear the scripture also makes it clear that there is something much more valuable than gold. That is the rules and ordinances of the Lord. So we have to keep things in perspective, right, Seth? Yeah, I sure do, Shannon. You know, speaking of keeping things in perspective, it made me think about it as you were just talking there. You know, gold in heaven is the equivalent to dirt and asphalt down here. So just imagine how. That’s exactly my thoughts. You know, I mean, if gold is that non valuable in heaven, obviously we think of it very with much value here. But I think part of that is because we tend to miss just how wonderful and good the true riches of the Lord are. And that’s really what this verse is talking about. I think we’re in the right place when we understand what is of infinitely more value than gold. So, Shan, of course, that leads us to our teachable moment for the day. What do we make of gold? It’s a controversial topic for our show, but just for our new audience, mainly Shannon, I know for our older audience, this could be a bit of some review, but would you just give us your stance on gold as an investment? What do we make of this speculative commodity, and even that term as well, speculative commodity. As you said, it’s been one of the chief currencies in the world for thousands of years. Yeah. So up until 1971, we were on a gold standard too. Our country was. All of our money was based off of gold. And for as far back as we can go in history, gold and silver, those were the way that people transacted business every day. And there’s a lot of value in that. You know, there’s a limited amount. So, you know, you can’t just really print money like you can ingest the us government and around the world today, you can’t just do that anymore since there’s no standard, you know, anymore. So, you know, when gold was the currency, it couldn’t be devalued. Do I wish that we never left the gold standard. Absolutely. But, you know, I really have a hard time seeing how we can put that genie back in the bottle. Yeah, we went off of the. The gold standard so we could just endlessly print and borrow money. That’s. That’s the bottom line. Right. And, you know, that kind of leads to a question, Shannon, why? Why did we go off of the gold standard? You mentioned it happened in the seventies. Can you give us a little insight on that? Well, my opinion, the bottom line is that there wasn’t enough gold to spend on all of the things that the government wanted to spend on. So they had to scrap that and come up with a new system where they could just endlessly print and borrow money to defund their voracious spending appetites. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And so, Shannon, how has gold changed as an investment in recent years, kind of in light of getting off the gold standard as well? Well, I don’t know that it’s really changed all that much. I mean, you know, gold was never really seen as much of an investment, you know, because there was no inflation before, before we got off the gold standard. So, you know, you didn’t. It was just a store of value, and it’s a way that you. Or it wasn’t a store of value. It was a way that you transacted business every day. Yeah. And what would be the best usage of gold as part of the financial issues strategy in your mind? Well, I mean, we recognize that there certainly is a demand for gold by individuals, primarily because of, you know, you’re told at every turn that you need to buy it. There’s really a lot of fear tactics behind, you know, that the advice to buy it as well. And central banks are buying it up a lot right now. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So, you know, we have the best way to take advantage of it in on our strategy. We have a stock on our list right now that is a company that mines for gold. So, you know, the best use of gold is just a small part of an overall diversified portfolio. The scripture is very clear that we’re not to be overly concentrated in one thing. We’re not supposed to put all of our hope in anything except Jesus. Amen. And, you know, even that sentiment there, Shana, I think, is unique. I’ve said this before. I stand by it. I think to my knowledge, we are the only conservative christian talk show on the airwaves that I know of that doesn’t relentlessly promote gold. You know, we might not have it, you know, it might not be our worst enemy. But we’re not just relentlessly always talking about it. We don’t have gold sponsors or any of that stuff. Speak to this for just a moment. Why is gold such a temptation even for those who are on our side in the christian conservative circle? Well, you just said it. You know, there’s a. There’s so many advertisements out there, you know, everyone’s pushing gold. And that’s because, you know, the people that are selling it pay a lot of money to get those endorsements.