Strategies To Staying Out Of Debt

It should always be working to get out of debt, and then you got to work to stay out of debt once you get out of debt it’s not over the work, that is The way you stay out of debt, once you get out of debt is you got to have a good savings account you got to have a way to pay for things that are going to happen, not could happen They’re going to happen One of the best protections you can have is to keep the wolves away from the door The second thing is that we have got to be prudent and wise with our investment strategies You have got to think about the fact that it is going to go down I would tell you that, hey, don’t worry about it’s okay, it’s down, it’s no big deal, that’s the way markets work They go up, they go down, but your ups are going to outweigh your downs you just got to hang in there The question is, do you have time to hang in there? In other words, are you going to need it in three years and it’s going to take three and a half years before it recovers? Are you going to need it in a year, and it’s going to take a year and a half to recover? Will you be able to handle the recovery? In other words, wait it out If you, and the only way you can do that is if you have cash as a part of that portfolio If you have a percentage of money in your Money Market Account or in CDs that even when the rest of it is going down this part is not going down If you don’t have that if you can’t create that then you need to reconsider whether you should be invested.




Changing your plan may require you to select new sectors for certain stocks