What other wisdom would you have for Brenda? She’s trying to help her teenagers begin their investment journey. Yeah. So what I would say is this is a great opportunity, Brenda, for you to minister or steward a verse of the day to this friend who is offering to help shape the minds of your children. I think it’s a great thing that they want to share financial literacy with them. And so it’s a great opportunity now for you to share back what you know about biblically responsible investing and sort of refine the filter of what’s going to be offered to your children. It’s also a great opportunity to minister to your children and to fulfill that obligation that we have to bring our children up in the fear and the admonition of the Lord. So it’s a good thing for you to be able to teach your children how to invest or to allow this friend to help your children learn how to invest. But it’s much more important to teach them not to compartmentalize their faith in Christ and to teach them to honor God in everything they do, even in unlikely topics like investing. You can teach them at a very young age to first vet out whether or not the companies they are considering owning are engaged in any activity that would make your children complicit in the company’s promotion of sin. Because if a company is funding sin and we become an owner of it, we are complicit. We are an accomplice to promoting or funding that sin as well. Great question, Brenda, and great opportunities for you to minister to your friend in the way that they approach their investing and to really cement some firm, good biblical principles in your children as they start to think about investing.
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How to Teach Children the Basics of Investing