Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries announces Shana Burt as new host of daily radio program

Burt to host Financial Issues radio show weekdays 9-10:00am ET beginning May 1, 2022

ORLANDO, Fla.— The Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries (FISM, financialissues.orgBoard of Trustees has named Shana Burt as the new host of the daily “Financial Issues” radio program, effective May 1, 2022.


“It was a unanimous decision to select Shana Burt as the host of ‘Financial Issues.’ The Lord led us to someone from our own Financial Issues family — someone who is a longtime friend, contributor to the ministry and co-host; someone who has truly served FISM with a genuine heart for Jesus,” said Board Chairman Myron George. “The members of our board believe that Shana will carry out FISM’s mission in a time when strong and godly focus on biblically responsible investing is needed more than ever. Financial Issues is more dedicated than ever to helping Christians make good financial decisions to further God’s Kingdom.”


Shana Burt graduated Cum Laud from Lamar University with a BA in finance and began her career in the financial services industry in 1999. After hearing Dan Celia on her local American Family Radio station in 2013, Burt felt led by God to shift her financial career focus to specialize in Biblically Responsible Investing. After she contacted Celia, he recognized a kindred heart and common goal in Burt and Celia began mentoring her in 2015. By 2020, Burt was regularly co-hosting with Celia on his daily live radio program.


When asked about her hope and plans for the future with FISM, Burt stated, “I am humbled, honored and beyond excited to continue the work of Financial Issues which the Lord chose and anointed Dan to start. Jesus said that it is harder for a rich man to get into heaven than for the camel to pass through the eye of a needle. I pray that the Lord uses my efforts with Financial Issues to help remove the stumbling block of wealth that blocks the door to salvation for some and hinders the abundant life for others. If we can learn to put the Lord first in our finances, we will see God honor those efforts and use us and the treasure we’ve committed to Him to multiply His kingdom.  
“After getting to know Dan and listening to him on Financial Issues, I knew that I was equally yoked with his ministry, with Dan’s long-term approach to investing and with his commitment to Biblically Responsible Investing. I believe that Dan, through the FISM strategy, did a great job teaching partners to build and manage a biblically responsible portfolio on their own. My desire is to continue to encourage and instruct Christians to free themselves of the bonds of worldly prosperity and the all-consuming question of whether to build a bigger kingdom or bigger barns.”


Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries has been a pillar of Biblically Responsible Investing since its’ inception in 1997. The ministry exists to help people around the world make godly financial decisions with the resources with which God has blessed them.


The “Financial Issues program is heard on more than 660 radio stations and several television networks nationwide, including FISM.TV, and viewed on several post-cable television platforms and online.


Read more about FISM and “Financial Issues” here or visit the FISM website, its Facebook page, on YouTube at Financial Issues or on Twitter @financialissues; download the FISM app here and learn more about FISM.TV here.


To interview a Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries representative, contact [email protected] or Beth Harrison, 610.584.1096, ext. 105, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102.



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