Partner-Only Access to investment tools, resources, and guidance for Biblically-responsible investing | | |
Interactive Asset Allocation Models to guide your self-managed investment strategies | | |
Buy and Sell Alerts to keep Partners informed of market changes and Biblically-responsible responses | | |
List of Biblically-responsible investment options: Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, and ETFs | | |
Partner access to “Ask Shana” questions during Financial Issues Live call-in radio shows | | |
Monthly Partner-Only Conference Calls - ministry updates, economic indicator insights and future-looking commentary from Shana Burt | | |
Friday Bible Study for spiritual growth with like-minded investors | | |
Portfolio TrackerTM - build and track performance in your personal portfolio dashboard, based on your asset allocation model | | |
Asset Allocation Tracker and up-to-date Biblically-responsible asset allocation models, based on your age band | | |