Dan Celia: Watch End of March Economic Data Closely

PHILADELPHIA—Nationally syndicated host and biblical investing authority Dan Celia discusses the economic data coming out the last week of March.

“This week is going to be primarily about housing data. Existing-Home Sales is coming out today. New home sales is coming out on Tuesday. These are both February numbers, so they are backward-looking a bit. Of course, they’re very important numbers. Durable good orders is coming out. Again, it’s a February number and core capital goods is coming out on Wednesday. That’s also a February number. We’re starting a week with a lot of backward-looking numbers, and we really have to focus on what is happening this month. I think this month is the month that, as we look back, will prove be very, very important. And everybody is focused on what has already happened, not looking forward to what the markets are shaping up to be.

“Personal income numbers for February are coming out. We are sitting at a 10 percent increase from January, so it’ll be interesting to see what this number is. Consumer spending is probably more important than anything else we’re going to talk about this week. We are sitting on a 2.4 percent consumer spending number, and we’ll see if that can hold. I don’t think it will. We’ll wait and see. It’s going to be a very interesting week as we head into a very important data point next week, finishing up the data for the month of March.”

Dan Celia discusses these and other global and economic headlines on his daily, three-hour Financial Issues program, heard on more than 660 radio stations and several television networks nationwide, including FISM.TV, viewed on several post-cable television platforms and online.


Read more about Celia, FISM and “Financial Issues” or visit the FISM website, its Facebook page, on YouTube at Financial Issues with Dan Celia or on Twitter @financialissues; download the FISM app here.


To book Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries’ Dan Celia, contact [email protected] or Marjorie Pratt, 610.584.1096, ext. 107, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102.


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